We are your supplier for affordable Prefab Houses and other Prefab Solution

The Future Of Residential Housing

Sxmprefab is a supplier of affordable, hurricane-proof Prefab-Houses and other Prefab building solutions.

Our goal is to make it possible for everyone to build their own Prefab dream House, no matter how small or how big your dream House is.

We have many years of experience and a large network of suppliers of Prefab solutions. As result, we are able to offer you the best products

with the best prices and best quality. You are of course welcome to visit our website, just look around and if there are any questions

click on this to get in touch with us. We have a lot of relevant information on our website to help and inform you about whats happening and what is for sale in the Prefab world ..

Unfortunately the concept of Prefab Houses has not really landed at most of us. We still think too often about traditional building culture..

With our Prefab Concept you are able to build your own house very quickly and efficiently. Below are a number of advantages of the Prefab Concept .:

1- Building faster and more durable.

2- Saving on wages

3- Saving on waste materials during construction

4- All materials used are durable, environmentally friendly and recyclable

5- All materials used comply with CE standards

6- All materials used are fire-retardant (4 hours at a temperature of 1000 degrees C)

7- Hurricane resistant (option CAT4-5)

8- Earthquake resistant

9- Sound-insulating

10-Very high thermal & insulating properties

Our company has been registered with the Chamber of Commerce since 2009 under the name "Cancy Internet Marketing Service" k.v.k. 27345834

sxmprefab.com and Webshopcancy.com are accredited affiliates of "Cancy Internet Marketing Service"